Soil Planning For Minerals

Soil Planning is an essential part of mineral operations which involve
the restoration of land to agriculture and other beneficial uses,
including woodland, accessible open space and wildlife habitat.
Agricultural Land Classification surveys are undertaken for the protection
of best and most versatile land. Surveys of soil resources provide
the basis to soil handling strategies for the stripping, storage and
reinstatement of soils, and for the successful establishment of ground

By advising on the identification, careful handling and conservation

of soil resources, Soil Planning makes an effective contribution to
environmental impact assessment; mitigating impacts on soils and introducing
sustainable land uses for the benefit of local communities. This
helps to achieve environmentally sensitive mineral operations which
can be fully integrated with other local land uses; enhancing prospects
for successful planning applications, and appeals.

Care is taken to ensure that Soil Planning input is consistent with
up-to-date best practice criteria for soil handling, and planning
guidance on sustainable development. Clients are also advised on

the scope for achieving strategic objectives for the countryside and
derelict land reclamation, through the careful design of restoration
schemes. Chris Stapleton has considerable experience of representing
the interests of mineral operators in negotiations with MAFF/FRCA,
and Mineral Planning Authorities.

For your soil planning requirements contact:
Chris Stapleton BSc., DipTP., MRTPI., MISoilSci.
21 Copse Drive, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 1NA
'Phone/Fax (0118) 978 9015
Email: [email protected]